How does this work?

There are two ways for us to service your device:
Bring it to our store.
Walk into our store and we will fix your device for you. We will provide you with a free repair estimate so you know what the cost of fixing your device is – before we work on it.
Mail it to our store.
Fill out the form on our mail in page, and follow the instructions on our mail in page to send your device in for repair. We will repair your device and send it back to you. If you simply want an estimate, you may send it in requesting an estimate and type in the description that you want an estimate, not service. We will not perform a service before you approve it unless you explicitly request otherwise.
For our Bartlett location, come by between 10 PM to 7 PM on weekdays or 10 PM to 4 PM on weekends for a free consultation. We will diagnose the issue with your machine and give you all of your options.If you don’t know what service you need, feel free to email us, call us, and talk to someone about your problem. Calling is quickest although live-chat and email options are available.
What are your hours, when can I come to your store?
Taking apart your Macbook to determine what is wrong with it costs $0 here. We believe diagnostic fees are predatory in this business. For a spoken word estimate of your problem, there is no fee!
How long does getting an estimate on what cost of repair take?
This depends on your issue. We can usually give you an estimate while you wait, unless you have liquid damage, in which case you would have to leave it for an estimate.
Are you only Mac?
Yes and no. For network and server issues we can help with any platform.
While we can work on PC laptops, we are limited in the services we offer. It’s nothing elitist; we wrote this entire site on a Thinkpad T520! The issue is most of the PC laptops we see cost almost as much to fix as the machine is worth and we find that people’s time constraints do not often allow for a proper estimate. It is feasible to stock most Apple laptop parts that we need, but not feasible to stock every single PC part there is, there are too many models. Considering the time constraints of our customers and the lack of ability to stock every PC laptop part there is, we’re just not best suited to servicing most PC laptops. If we feel we’re not the best fit for your issue, we will refer you to someone who is.
Doesn’t a lack of certification mean you have no idea what you’re doing, or that my repair has a chance of premature failure?

At the time of this email, that LCD cost $68 from a Taiwanese vendor of Grade A LG panels. Apple does not manufacture any of these parts they resell to the repair shops. Apple sells the part to a service center for 3-6 times its actual cost, which is the reason Apple Authorized service centers are so expensive. Apple knows that customers prefer shops that are Apple authorized service centers. It has little to do with getting you better service or a better repair.
What does it cost for you to look at my Mac?
NOTHING! We feel diagnostic fees are predatory in the laptop repair industry, and do not charge them(except for PCs, which to be honest with you, are better serviced by D&Q right around the corner).
Should I wait for my Macbook to dry out before bringing it to you? Maybe it will work again!
I go over the reality of that in this video. You will see what happens when liquid “dries out” inside a laptop motherboard, what it looks like, and how we deal with it. I will leave you to come to your own conclusion!
Are you Apple certified?
Absolutely not. Being Apple certified would tie my hands to the point where even replacing a fuse would get me in trouble. I go over that in a tongue and cheek fashion in this video in response to the idea that unauthorized repair technicians are “idiots.” Being Apple authorized would tie my hands to the point where I have to charge you $750-$1250 to replace your motherboard because of that one component!
But doesn’t Apple rigorously test those parts to ensure quality?
No. Are you curious as to what “Apple Authorized” means? One might assume this makes it a better part, but they’re the same parts we purchase. As one can see from forums such as macrumors, Apple has no real high tech process to weed out displays with issues such as dead pixels, as a lot of people receive displays with them. Look up the issues with the LG display on 15″ Retinas.
The Tekkies difference is that we test parts the old fashioned way, by plugging them in before using them. The personal touch can’t be beat.
How will your repair affect my warranty?
Anyone who isn’t a fully Apple authorized warranty repair facility is technically voiding your warranty.
However, in reality, if Apple can’t tell the machine’s been opened or repaired, there’s no problem. Our meticulous workmanship ensure they’ll never know we were there. Will the next housecall repair person use a magnetized tray to ensure each screw is saved?
If you have liquid damaged your laptop and are having us repair your logic board, you will likely be laughed at by the Genius Bar if you ever return for a warranty issue. The methods we use to repair corroded circuit boards are highly reliable and effective, but leave a mark, similar to installation of a pacemaker. It will be obvious we were there.